Since the establishment of NIETZ TECHNOLOGIES, the main focus of its activities is the scientific, technical and technological support of the Pokrovskiy Autoclave-Hydrometallurgical Complex project of Petropavlovsk Group.
- Development of initial data and technological regulations for the project design.
- Participation in the selection of main and secondary equipment.
- Support of design and installation works.
- Selection and validation of the processing scheme and determination of parameters and indicators for the main operations of the autoclave-hydrometallurgical processing technology of pyrite-arsenopyrite gold-containing concentrates of two different types.
- Preparation of criteria and regulations for the design of autoclave hydrometallurgical complex.
- Technological support for the design work and the selection of basic equipment.
- Determination of modes and indicators of technology for adjusted processing volumes and composition of concentrates.
- Development of normative and technical documentation, methods of analytical control and training materials for the projected enterprise.
This work was carried out in close cooperation with the design organizations - Peter Hambro Mining Engineering and Outotec Oy. The choice of concentrate processing scheme, determination and adjustment of its indicators were based on laboratory studies and pilot tests performed by NIETZ Technologies specialists.
In 2017-2019, it was planned to carry out work to support the construction of the Pokrovsky AGK, prepare and carry out commissioning works, and train process personnel. Once the plant is up and running, the main task of NIETZ Technologies is to provide scientific and technical assistance in bringing the plant to design parameters.
Leading specialists of NIETZ Technologies have wide experience in research, teaching and production activities. This experience and the experience gained in the course of work in the project of Pokrovsky AGK allows specialists of the center to successfully solve various tasks related to technology selection and scientific and technical support of processing projects of various raw materials of non-ferrous and precious metals:
- Based on performed laboratory and enlarged laboratory, pilot tests, NIETZ Technologies specialists will select the technological scheme of raw materials processing and determine the parameters and indicators of the main operations.
- They will prepare criteria and regulations for the design of a process stage or enterprise.
- They will provide a preliminary selection of main equipment for specified productivity of a process stage, perform technical and economic evaluation of an investment project (or its part).
- Provide technological support for design work.
For projects with an already developed process design and technology, NIETZ can perform an audit of the design and working documentation, including:
- Analysis of technical and technological solutions and hardware design of the technological process, the quality of raw materials, intermediate and final products.
- Assessment of the number and nomenclature of equipment, the need and availability of reserve, compliance with its declared performance and technical characteristics.
- Assessment of compliance of operating conditions of the process with the assumed design conditions (pressure, temperature, composition of the medium).
- Evaluation of equipment design and material performance, including corrosion and thermal resistance of structural materials in the working environment.
- Verification of availability and adequacy of shutoff and control valves.
- Verification of availability and sufficiency of control systems for level, temperature, flow, pressure, composition of the medium.
- Assessment of the safety of personnel, availability of conditions for safe maintenance and repair of equipment.