Year | Author | Publication title | Placement of an article (magazine, collection of scientific papers, etc.) | Conference name | Metals |
2022 | Gordeev D. V., Fomenko I. V. | Increasing gold recovery in POX technology by adding secondary oxidizer | Modern technologies for the production of non-ferrous metals. 2022. pp. 36-43 | Materials of the International scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of S. S. Naboychenko | Au |
2022 | Shakhalov A. A., Fomenko I. V., Ospanov E. A., Derid E. F., Bakhvalov S. S. | Technology development for gold-bearing sulfide concentrates processing in the hydrothermal treatment of copper concentrates scheme | Modern technologies for the production of non-ferrous metals. 2022. pp. 44-50 | Materials of the International scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of S. S. Naboychenko | Au, Cu |
2022 | Fomenko I. V. | Methods for increasing gold recovery during autoclave processing of double-refractory concentrates | Gold and technology 2022 | Au | |
2021 | S.I. Lyakh, S.S. Bakhvalov | Phase composition of autoclave oxidation products and Its effect on gold ecapsulation | Non-ferrous metals. 2021. №2. pp. 44-50 | Au | |
2021 | A.V. Markelov, P.V. Konev, S.A. Velishkevich, E.A. Chubyrin | Development of an autoclave operator workstation simulator | Non-ferrous metals. 2021. №2. pp. 51-54 | Au | |
2021 | I.S. Ostapchuk | Analytical control of autoclave technology products | Non-ferrous metals. 2021. №2. pp. 55-59 | Au, Ag, Cl, S, Al, K, Na | |
2021 | A.V. Markelov, K.M. Falin, V.A. Puchkina, A.N. Titov | Processing of gold-antimony concentrates | Non-ferrous metals. 2021. №2. pp. 59-65 | Au, Sb | |
2021 | I.G. Tarasova | Analysis of mineral raw materials and processed products in non-ferrous metallurgy | Non-ferrous metals. 2021. №2. pp. 66-70 | Wo , Ag, Au, Pt, Pd | |
2021 | Zaitsev P.V. | Pokrovskiy POx hub – from laboratory to commercial production | Mogas Newsletter | Au | |
2021 | V.A. Puchkina, A.V. Markelov, L.V. Chugaev | Reduction of gold losses in processing of gold-antimony concentrates | Collection of XIV International Online Conference "Metallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and noble metals. 2021. | XIV international on-line Conference "Metallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and precious metals" | Au, Sb |
2021 | Falin K.M., Zaitsev P.V., Kositskaya T.Y. | Hydrometallurgical enrichment of magnesium-containing nickel concentrates | Collection of XIV International Online Conference "Metallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and noble metals. 2021. | XIV international on-line Conference "Metallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and precious metals" | Ni, Mg |
2021 | Laevsky S.I., Lyakh S.I. Markelov | High temperature pressure oxidation of double refractory gold materials | Collection of XIV International Online Conference "Metallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and noble metals. 2021. | XIV international on-line Conference "Metallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and precious metals" | Au |
2021 | Gordeev D.V., Fomenko I.V. | Autoclave processing of carbonaceous gold sulfide concentrates using nitric acid as a secondary oxidizer | Collection of XIV International Online Conference "Metallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and noble metals. 2021. | XIV international on-line Conference "Metallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and precious metals" | Au |
2021 | Khasanov A.V., Markelov A.V., Polezhaev S.Yu. | Gold recovery improvement by roasting pressure oxidized carbonaceous residues | Collection of XIV International Online Conference "Metallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and noble metals. 2021. | XIV international on-line Conference "Metallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and precious metals" | Au |
2021 | Gordeev D.V., Fomenko I.V. | Autoclave processing of carbonaceous gold sulfide concentrates using nitric acid as a secondary oxidizer | IV International on-line scientific and practical conference "Mining in the XXI century: technology, science, education" | Au | |
2021 | Khasanov A.V., Markelov A.V., Polezhaev S.Yu. | Gold recovery improvement by roasting pressure oxidized carbonaceous residues | IV International on-line scientific and practical conference "Mining in the XXI century: technology, science, education" | Au | |
2021 | Markelov A.V. | Development of a research center at the plant | Minex (Moscow Russia) 2021 | Au | |
2020 | V.K. Fedorov, Y.M. Shneerson, A.V. Afanasiev, M.V. Klementiev, I.V. Fomenko | Brief results of the first year of operation of the Pokrovsky autoclave hydrometallurgical complex | Non-ferrous metals. 2020. | Au | |
2020 | Y.M. Shneerson, A.Y. Lapin, A.S. Kabisova, L.V. Chugaev | Research Center "Hydrometallurgy" - 12 years of successful work | Non-ferrous metals. 2020. №3. pp. 50-56 | Au | |
2020 | A.Y. Lapin, Y.M. Schneerson | The history of the creation and development of autoclave-hydrometallurgical technology for the processing of nickel-pyrrhotite concentrates | Non-ferrous metals. 2020. №3. pp. 27-63 | Ni, Co | |
2020 | M.V. Klementiev. V.K. Fedorov, A.S. Zavaluev | Development and implementation of an autoclave process using high-intensity agitators | Non-ferrous metals. 2020. №3. pp. 64-70 | Au | |
2020 | T.Y. Kositskaya, A.Y. Lapin, Y.M. Schneerson | Hydrometallurgical operations in the complex technology of processing limonite ores | Non-ferrous metals. 2020. №3. pp. 71-77 | Ni, Co | |
2020 | T.Y. Kositskaya, A.Y. Lapin, Y.M. Schneerson | Peculiarities of elemental sulfur behavior in hydrometallurgical intermediate products and the choice of its extraction method into a commercial product | Non-ferrous metals. 2020. №3. pp. 78-83 | S, Zn, Cu, Pb | |
2020 | P.V. Zaitsev, N.A. Kravchenko | Hydrometallurgical recovery of copper and silver from mixed ore flotation concentrates | Non-ferrous metals. 2020. №3. pp. 84-90 | Cu, Ag | |
2020 | A.Y. Lapin, T.Y. Kositskaya, Y.M. Shneerson, V.I. Bogdanov | Methods of tin-copper ore dressing tailings processing with the production of commercial products | Non-ferrous metals. 2020. №3. pp. 91-98 | Sn, Cu | |
2020 | A.A. Shakhalov, E.A. Ospanov, S.S. Bakhvalov, I.V. Fomenko | Development of an integrated hydrometallurgical technology for the processing of polymetallic concentrates and intermediate products | Non-ferrous metals. 2020. №3. pp. 99-103 | Cu, Zn, Pb | |
2020 | L.V. Chugaev, M.A. Pleshkov, A.V. Markelov | Study of the structure of gold losses during sorption cyanidation of carbonaceous concentrate | Non-ferrous metals. 2020. №3. pp. 104-109 | Au | |
2020 | I.V. Fomenko, M.A. Pleshkov, S.I. Lyakh, S.I. Laevsky | High temperature pressure oxidation of double refractory materials | Non-ferrous metals. 2020. №3. pp. 110-115 | Au | |
2020 | I.V. Fomenko, S.Y. Polezhaev | Mastering the technology of processing double refractory concentrates at Pokrovskiy POX hub | Gold and Technology 2020 (Mining World Russia) | Au | |
2019 | Lyakh S.I., Bitkov G.A. | Creation, commissioning and ramp up of Pokrovskiy POX hub technology | Minex Far East | Au | |
2019 | Zaitsev P. V., Shneerson Y. M., Fedorov V., Zavalyuev A. | Pokrovskiy pressure oxidation (POX) hub - from laboratory to commercial production | world gold | Au | |
2019 | Shneerson Y.M., Zaitsev P.V. | Pokrovsky POX hub: theory and practice of ramp up | Minex Moscow | Au | |
2019 | A.A. Shakhalov, E.A. Ospanov, S.S. Naboychenko, I.V. Fomenko | Peculiarities of autoclave leaching of substandard sulfide copper-zinc concentrates | Non-ferrous metals. 2019. №1. pp. 13-19 | Cu, Zn | |
2019 | A.A. Shakhalov, E.A. Ospanov, S.S. Naboychenko, I.V. Fomenko | Peculiarities of autoclave leaching of substandard sulfide copper-zinc concentrates | Non-ferrous metals. 2019. №2. pp. 25-32 | Cu, Zn | |
2019 | S.S. Bakhvalov, Y.M. Shneerson, I.V. Fomenko, M.A. Pleshkov, E.A. Ospanov, A.A. Shakhalov | Integration of lead dust processing into the copper concentrate processing technology of the Balkhash hydrometallurgical complex | Proceedings of the XI International Congress "Non-Ferrous metals and minerals-2019. pp. 820-826 | International congress and exhibition "Non-ferrous metals and minerals" 2019 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Zn, As, Pb, Cu |
2019 | A.V. Khasanov, Y.M. Schneerson, L.V. Chugaev, M.A. Pleshkov, V.V. Afanasiev, A.S. Zavaluev | Possibilities of Pokrovskiy autoclave-hydrometallurgical complex for processing of gold-containing materials | Proceedings of the XI International Congress "Non-Ferrous metals and minerals-2019. pp. 993-945 | International congress and exhibition "Non-ferrous metals and minerals" 2019 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2019 | D.V. Gordeev, P.V. Zaitsev, G.A. Bitkov, Y.M. Schneerson | Determination of the autoclave oxidation mode of gold sulfide concentrate | Proceedings of the XI International Congress "Non-Ferrous metals and minerals-2019. pp. 946-955 | International congress and exhibition "Non-ferrous metals and minerals" 2019 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2019 | S.I. Laevsky, Ya.M. Schneerson, L.V. Chugaev, M.A. Pleshkov, A.V. Markelov, S.Y. Polezhaev | Application of heat treatment for double refractory gold-bearing raw materials | Proceedings of the XI International Congress "Non-Ferrous metals and minerals-2019. pp. 956-963 | International congress and exhibition "Non-ferrous metals and minerals" 2019 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2019 | S.I. Lyakh, Y.M. Schneerson, M.V. Klementiev, A.V. Afanasiev, A.S. Zavaluev | Pokrovskiy pressure oxidation (POX) hub: ramp up and development of the technology | Proceedings of the XI International Congress "Non-Ferrous metals and minerals-2019. pp. 918-927 | International congress and exhibition "Non-ferrous metals and minerals" 2019 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2019 | S.Y. Polezhaev, P.V. Zaitsev, G.A. Bitkov, Y.M. Schneerson | Autoclave pressure oxidation pilot tests for processing sulfide gold concentrate | Proceedings of the XI International Congress "Non-Ferrous metals and minerals-2019. pp. 928-938 | International congress and exhibition "Non-ferrous metals and minerals" 2019 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2019 | Ostapchuk I.S., Lobarev S.A. | Determination of metals in ion-exchange resins | XXII International Chernyaev conference on analytics and technology of platinum metals | ||
2019 | I.S. Ostapchuk, E.L. Paramonova, I.G. Tarasova | Definition of precious metals in rough silver | Analytical control of precious metals. 2019. pp. 195-197 | Pt, Pd, Au, Ag | |
2019 | I.S. Ostapchuk, E.L. Paramonova, I.G. Tarasova | Determination of silver, gold and platinum metals in the concentrate of satellites of platinum | Analytical control of precious metals. 2019. pp. 197-200 | Pt, Pd, Ru, Ir, Au, Ag | |
2019 | I.S. Ostapchuk, E.L. Paramonova, I.G. Tarasova | Separation of platinum and iridium | Analytical control of precious metals. 2019. pp. 200-202 | Pt, Ir | |
2019 | A.A. Shakhalov, E.A. Ospanov, I.V. Fomenko, Ya.M. Schneerson, I.I. Maksimov, N.S.Trubechkova | Flotation- hydrometallurgical treatment options for flotation plants tailings | WMC(World Mining Congress) | Cu, Zn, Au, Ag | |
2018 | Y.M. Shneerson, A.Y. Lapin, L.V. Chugaev | Some results of the Research Center "Hydrometallurgy" on refractory gold concentrates | Gold and technology. 2018. №1(39) pp. 58-64 | Au | |
2018 | L.V. Chugaev, A.V. Markelov, Y.M. Shneerson, A.V. Sour, N.B. Ovchinnikova, M.V. Dudin | Processing of refractory gold-bearing ore from the Samolazovskoye deposit (beginning) | Gold mining industry. 2018. №2(86). pp. 39-31 | Au | |
2018 | L.V. Chugaev, A.V. Markelov, Y.M. Shneerson, A.V. Sour, N.B. Ovchinnikova, M.V. Dudin | Processing of refractory gold-bearing ore from the Samolazovskoye deposit (ending) | Gold mining industry. 2018. №3(87). pp. 23-30 | Au | |
2018 | Y.M. Schneerson | POX Hub Theory and Practice | Minex (Moscow, Russia) 2018 | Au | |
2018 | M.A. Pleshkov, L.V. Chugaev, Y.M. Schneerson | Possibilities of autoclave hydrometallurgy in the processing of refractory gold-bearing raw materials | Materials of the ICHTE Scientific and Practical Conference: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State Technical University. 2018. pp. 59-61 | International scientific and practical conference "Intensification of hydrometallurgical processes for processing natural and technogenic raw materials. Technologies and equipment" ICHTE 2018 (St. Petersburg, Russia) | Au |
2018 | A.Y. Lapin, T.Y. Kositskaya, Y.M. Shneerson, V.I. Bogdanov | Methods to process tailings from tin-copper production with the production of commercial products by the example of tailings from the solnechnyy mining and processing plant | Materials of the ICHTE Scientific and Practical Conference: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State Technical University. 2018. pp. 62-65 | International scientific and practical conference "Intensification of hydrometallurgical processes for processing natural and technogenic raw materials. Technologies and equipment" ICHTE 2018 (St. Petersburg, Russia) | Sn, Cu |
2018 | A.Y. Lapin, T.Y. Kositskaya, S.A. Bannikova, O. Mishina | Methods of elemental sulfur extraction from leaching residues of polymetallic flotation concentrates | Materials of the ICHTE Scientific and Practical Conference: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State Technical University. 2018. pp. 66-68 | International scientific and practical conference "Intensification of hydrometallurgical processes for processing natural and technogenic raw materials. Technologies and equipment" ICHTE 2018 (St. Petersburg, Russia) | S |
2018 | I.V. Fomenko, Ya.M. Shneerson, A.A. Shakhalov, E.A. Ospanov, I.I. Maksimov, N.S. Trubechkova | Testing variants of hydrometallurgical schemes for processing of tailings from enrichment plants | Materials of the ICHTE Scientific and Practical Conference: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State Technical University. 2018. pp. 69-73 | International scientific and practical conference "Intensification of hydrometallurgical processes for processing natural and technogenic raw materials. Technologies and equipment" ICHTE 2018 (St. Petersburg, Russia) | Cu, Zn, Ag, Au |
2018 | S.S. Bakhvalov, I.V. Fomenko, A.A. Shakhalov, E.A. Ospanov | Enrichment of intermediate products of hydrometallurgical processing technology of substandard copper concentrates | Materials of the ICHTE Scientific and Practical Conference: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State Technical University. 2018. pp. 72-73 | International scientific and practical conference "Intensification of hydrometallurgical processes for processing natural and technogenic raw materials. Technologies and equipment" ICHTE 2018 (St. Petersburg, Russia) | Cu, Pb |
2018 | A.V. Markelov, Y.M. Schneerson, L.V. Chugaev | Improving the performance of autoclaved opening of gold sulfide concentrates of double refractory | Materials of the ICHTE Scientific and Practical Conference: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State Technical University. 2018. pp. 74-77 | International scientific and practical conference "Intensification of hydrometallurgical processes for processing natural and technogenic raw materials. Technologies and equipment" ICHTE 2018 (St. Petersburg, Russia) | Au |
2018 | E.E. Naumova, S.I. Lyakh, S.S. Bakhvalov, Y.Y. Fishchenko, A.R. Makaveckas | Study of the material composition of products of autoclave oxidation of gold-containing concentrate and evaluation of its effect on gold recovery | Materials of the ICHTE Scientific and Practical Conference: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State Technical University. 2018. pp. 78-80 | International scientific and practical conference "Intensification of hydrometallurgical processes for processing natural and technogenic raw materials. Technologies and equipment" ICHTE 2018 (St. Petersburg, Russia) | Au |
2018 | P.V. Zaitsev, M.A. Pleshkov, Y.M. Schneerson, D.A. Lapshin, K. Haavanlammi, M. Lampi, J. Karonen | Hydrometallurgical recovery of copper and silver from concentrates of selective flotation of ores from the Udokan deposit | Materials of the ICHTE Scientific and Practical Conference: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State Technical University. 2018. pp. 81-83 | International scientific and practical conference "Intensification of hydrometallurgical processes for processing natural and technogenic raw materials. Technologies and equipment" ICHTE 2018 (St. Petersburg, Russia) | Cu, Ag |
2018 | S.Y. Polezhaev | Determination of the mode of autoclave oxidation of gold sulfide concentrate | Technical and economic meeting "Mineral resources of Siberia-2018" (Irkutsk, Russia) | Au | |
2018 | A.S. Kabisova | Improving the performance of autoclaved opening of gold sulfide concentrates of double refractory | Technical and economic meeting "Mineral resources of Siberia-2018" (Irkutsk, Russia) | Au | |
2017 | Bolobov V. I., Shneerson Y. M., Lapin A. Y. | Slitic corrosion of titanium in products of high-temperature leaching of gold-containing sulfide raw materials | Non-ferrous metals. 2017. №2. pp. 81-85 | Ti, Au | |
2017 | I. V. Fomenko, P. V. Zaytsev, M. A. Pleshkov, L. V. Chugaev, Y. M. Shneerson | The use of mercury to inhibit autoclave preg-robbing of gold: pilot plant trials | COM2017. p. 10 | COM 2017 (Vancouver, Canada) | Au |
2016 | I.V. Fomenko, M.A. Pleshkov, Ya.M. Schneerson | New methods for increasing gold recovery in the process of pressure oxidation of double refractory concentrates | Gold and technology. 2016. №1(31). pp. 78-84 | Au | |
2016 | P.V. Zaitsev, M.A. Pleshkov, Y.M. Schneerson, T.H. Haakana, J. Tiihonen, P. Juopperi | Development of autoclave technology for processing copper-gold raw materials | Gold and technology. 2016. №1(31). pp. 62-68 | Au, Cu | |
2016 | P.V. Zaitsev, L.V. Chugaev, M.V. Klementiev, Y.M. Schneerson | XXXII International Mineral Processing Congress (Part 3) | Obogashcheniya rud. 2016. №2(362). pp. 57-60 | Au | |
2016 | S.I. Lyakh, M.V. Klementiev | Autoclave сontinuous pilot plant | Gold mining. 2016. №3(208). pp. 19-21 | Au | |
2016 | S.I. Lyakh, M.V. Klementiev | Autoclave pilot plant | Gold mining. 2016. №4(209). pp. 10-15 | Au | |
2016 | JSC "Irgiredmet" | Y.M. Shneerson, CEO of LLC "Research Center "Hydrometallurgy" celebrates his 80th birthday | Gold mining. 2016. №3(208). p. 18 | ||
2016 | P. V. Zaitsev, Y. M. Shneerson | Autoclave processes for the processing of copper-containing raw materials | Non-ferrous metals. 2016. №1. pp. 26-31 | Cu | |
2016 | A.A. Blokhin, M.A. Pleshkov, Y.V. Murashkin, Y.M. Schneerson | Evaluation of the possibility of using some weakly basic anion exchangers for the conversion of sodium tungstate to ammonium tungstate | Non-ferrous metals. 2016. №2. pp. 74-79 | W | |
2016 | A.A. Blokhin, M.A. Pleshkov, Y.V. Murashkin, Y.M. Schneerson | Conversion of sodium tungstate into ammonium tungstate using strongly basic anion exchangers | Non-ferrous metals. 2016. №4. pp. 27-33 | W | |
2016 | P. V. Zaytsev, M. A. Pleshkov, A. Y. Lapin & Y. M. Shneerson | Pressure oxidation process development for treating complex sulfide copper materials | Nickel Cobalt Copper Session. 2016г. стр.420-431 | ALTA 2016 (Perth, Australia) | Cu |
2016 | I. V. Fomenko, M. A. Pleshkov, P. V. Zaytsev, L. V. Chugaev & Y. M. Shneerson | The use of special additives to inhibit preg-robbing of gold in the process of double refractory concentrates pressure oxidation | Nickel Cobalt Copper Session. 2016г. стр.231-241 | ALTA 2016 (Perth, Australia) | Au |
2016 | I.S. Ostapchuk, E.L. Paramonova, I.G. Tarasova, V.A. Korotkov | Determination of platinum, palladium, rhodium in catalysts based on silicon carbide | Tezisy dokladov (Yekaterinburg, 14-18 noyabrya 2016g.). pp. 58-59 | XXI International Chernyaev conference on chemistry, analytics and technology of platinum metals | Pd, Pt, Ro |
2016 | I.G. Tarasova, I.S. Ostapchuk, E.L. Paramonova | Experience in determining gold in rocks, ores of various composition and genesis and products of their processing | Tezisy dokladov (Yekaterinburg, 14-18 noyabrya 2016g.). p. 62 | XXI International Chernyaev conference on chemistry, analytics and technology of platinum metals | Au |
2016 | I.S. Ostapchuk, V.A. Korotkov, N.P. Shizarev | Dissolving osmium in aqua regia | Tezisy dokladov (Yekaterinburg, 14-18 noyabrya 2016g.). p. 128 | XXI International Chernyaev conference on chemistry, analytics and technology of platinum metals | Os |
2016 | E.L. Paramonova, I.G. Tarasova, I.S. Ostapchuk, E.G. Zotova, S.I. Laevsky | Determination of precious metals after collection on reduced nickel matte | Tezisy dokladov (Yekaterinburg, 14-18 noyabrya 2016g.). p. 129 | XXI International Chernyaev conference on chemistry, analytics and technology of platinum metals | Pt, Pd, Ru, Ir, Au, Ag |
2016 | P.V. Zaitsev, M.A. Pleshkov, Ya.M. Schneerson, T.Haakana, J. Tiihonen, P. Juopperi | Development of autoclave technology for processing copper-gold raw materials | Gold and technology. 2016. №1(31). pp. 62-68 | Gold and Technologies 2016 (Moscow, Russia) | Au, Cu |
2016 | P.V. Zaitsev | Pressure oxidation of double refractory gold concentrates | PhD thesis | Au | |
2016 | I.V. Fomenko | Methods to reduce gold losses in autoclave technology for the processing of carbonaceous gold-bearing concentrates | PhD thesis | Au | |
2016 | A.V. Markelov | Development of technology for autoclave oxidation of refractory pyrrhotite-bearing gold-sulfide concentrates using methods of mathematical modeling | PhD thesis | Au | |
2015 | Y. M. Shneerson, A. V. Markelov, L. V. Chugaev, A. S. Kabisova. | Kinetics of autoclave oxidation of refractory gold-bearing sulfide concentrates | Non-ferrous metals. 2015. №1. pp. 35-38 | Au | |
2015 | S. Y. Polezhaev, I. V. Fomenko, M. A. Pleshkov, L. V. Chugaev | Sulfite method for the determination of oxidized gold in sulfides | Non-ferrous metals. 2015. №2. pp. 58-63 | Au | |
2015 | P. V. Zaitsev, I. V. Fomenko, L. V. Chugaev, Y. M. Shneerson | Autoclave oxidation of double-strength raw materials in the presence of limestone | Non-ferrous metals. 2015. №8. pp. 29-38 | Au | |
2015 | S.Y. Polezhaev, O.V. Cheremisina | Integrated technology for the processing of gold concentrates: autoclave leaching followed by roasting | Institute news. Non-ferrous metallurgy. 2015. №3. pp. 34-39 | Au | |
2015 | S.Y. Polezhaev | Increased gold recovery in the technology of autoclave oxidation of concentrates "double refractory" by preliminary heat-treatment | PhD thesis | Au | |
2014 | Y.M. Shneerson, A.Y. Lapin | Autoclave-hydrometallurgical technologies in the production of precious and non-ferrous metals | Gold and technology. 2014. № 1(23). pp. 38-41 | Au, Cu, Co, Ni | |
2014 | L.V. Chugaev, Y.M. Shneerson, A.Y. Lapin | Autoclave technologies in the gold mining industry | Gold and technology. 2014. № 4(26). pp. 90-94 | Au | |
2014 | A.Y. Lapin, Y.M. Schneerson | Autoclave-hydrometallurgical technologies in the production of precious and non-ferrous metals | Gold and technology. Tezisy. 2014. pp. 8-19 | Au | |
2014 | G. A. Bitkov, A. Y. Lapin, Y. M. Shneerson | Autoclave oxidation processing of refractory gold-containing sulphide concentrates at moderate temperatures | Non-ferrous metals. 2014. №1. pp. 46-52 | Au | |
2014 | P. V. Zaitsev, I. V. Fomenko, M. A. Pleshkov, L. V. Chugaev, Y. M. Shneerson | Peculiarities of pressure oxidation of gold-sulphide and carbon-containing concentrates in the presence of chlorides | Non-ferrous metals. 2014. №4. pp. 11-16 | Au | |
2014 | E. E. Maltseva, A. A. Blokhin, M. A. Pleshkov, Y. V. Murashkin, M. A. Mikhailenko | Sorption extraction of rhenium in the time of hydrometallurgical processing of molybdenite concentrates by weakly basic anion exchange resins Purolite A170 and Purolite A172 | Non-ferrous metals. 2014. №6. pp. 52-58 | Re, Mo | |
2014 | Peter V. Zaytsev, Yakov M. Shneerson, Alexander Y. Lapin, Lev V. Chugaev, Mikhail V. Klementiev, Mikhail A. Pleshkov, Ilia V. Fomenko and Stepan S. Bakhvalov | Process development for refractory gold concentrates treatment on Pokrovsky POX hub | Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2014г. №7 стр.533-543 | Au | |
2014 | I.S. Ostapchuk, A.P. Kuznetsov, V.A. Korotkov | Determination of platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, gold and silver in the concentrates of platinum group metals of different grades (KP-1, KP-2, OK, and KPP) | Plant laboratory. 2014. №10. pp. 17-20 | Pt, Pd, Ru, Ir, Au, Ag | |
2014 | A.S. Boginskaya, A.V. Markelov, Y.M. Schneerson, G.V. Petrov | Application of mathematical modeling method to calculate the autoclave oxidation process of refractory sulfide gold-containing flotation concentrate | Fundamentalnyye issledovaniya. 2014. №3. pp. 706-710 | Au | |
2014 | I. V. Fomenko, S. Y. Polezhaev, P. V. Zaytsev, M. A. Pleshkov, L. V. Chugaev & Y. M. Shneerson | The oxidized gold and it's role in pressure oxidation of double refreactory gold concentrates | Gold-Precious Metals Session. 2014. pp. 194-202 | ALTA 2014 (Perth, Australia) | Au |
2014 | P. V. Zaytsev, I. V. Fomenko, Y. M. Shneerson, S. Y. Polezhaev, & M. A. Pleshkov | Special aspects of continuous pressure oxidation of double refractory concentrates | Gold-Precious Metals Session. 2014. pp. 226-234 | ALTA 2014 (Perth, Australia) | Au |
2014 | A. V. Markelov, Y. M. Shneerson, A. S. Boginskaya, L. V. Chugaev | Mathematical modeling of sulfide concentrates pressure oxidation using laboratory kinetacs | Gold-Precious Metals Session. 2014г. pp. 235-246 | ALTA 2014 (Perth, Australia) | Au |
2014 | P. V. Zaytsev, I. V. Fomenko, Y. M. Shneerson & M. A. Pleshkov | Specifics of double refractory gold concentrates pressure oxidation in the presence of chlorides | In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium Hydrometallurgy 2014 pp.501-514 | ALTA 2014 (Perth, Australia) | Au |
2014 | M.B. Graver, Y.M. Shneerson, A.Y. Lapin, M.V. Klementiev | Assessment of real hazard class of arsenic-containing waste from autoclave hydrometallurgical processing of sulfide gold-containing materials | Minex Far East (Khabarovsk, Russia) 2014 | As, Au | |
2014 | M.V. Klementiev, Y.M. Shneerson, A.Y. Lapin | Experience in developing technology for pressure oxidation of refractory gold-bearing concentrates for Pokrovsky POX hub | Minex Far East (Khabarovsk, Russia) 2014 | Au | |
2014 | Y.M. Shneerson, A.Y. Lapin | On the principles of selecting the technology for processing of refractory gold-containing raw materials | Minex (Moscow, Russia) 2014 | Au | |
2014 | A.S. Boginskaya | Autoclave oxidation of high-sulfur pyrite-arsenopyrite gold-containing flotation concentrates | PhD thesis | Au | |
2013 | Y.M. Shneerson, A.Y. Lapin, L.V. Chugaev, M.A. Pleshkov, M.V. Klementiev | The role of the research center "Hydrometallurgy" in the creation of autoclave technologies for the processing of refractory gold-bearing materials | Gold and technology. 2013. №1(19). pp. 64-68 | Au | |
2013 | B.A. Zakharov, Y.M. Schneerson, L.V. Chugaev, M.T. Zhunusov, S.V. Drozdov, M.A. Pleshkov, A.V. Markelov | Development of technology for autoclave processing of concentrates and middlings of the Olimpiada Mining and Processing Plant of CJSC Polyus | Gold and technology. 2013. №3(21). pp. 24-28 | Au | |
2013 | Y.M. Schneerson, V.K. Fedorov, A.Y Lapin | The use of pressure oxidation technology in the processing of gold-bearing concentrates in the Russian Federation | Gold and technology. 2013. №4(22). pp. 8-12 | Au | |
2013 | A.V. Bogdanovich, A.M. Vasiliev, Y.M. Shneerson, A.M. Pleshkov | Recovery of gold from reclaimed tailings of concentrated copper-zinc ore concentration | Obogashcheniya rud. 2013. №5(59). pp. 38-44 | Au, Cu, Zn | |
2013 | V. I. Bolobov, Y. M. Shneerson, A. Y. Lapin | Corrosion resistance of nickel-chromium alloys, during the process of high temperature leaching of gold-bearing sulphide raw materials | Non-ferrous metals. 2013. №5. pp. 73-78 | Au | |
2013 | V. I. Bolobov, Y. M. Shneerson, A. Y. Lapin, G. A. Bitkov | Behavior of chromium-nickel alloys, during the process of low-temperature autoclave oxidation of refractory sulfide gold-containing raw materials | Non-ferrous metals. 2013. №2. pp. 76-81 | Au | |
2013 | O.V. Cheremisina, S.Y. Polezhaev, M.A. Pleshkov, I.V. Fomenko | Dependence of gold recovery on the degree of oxidation of refractory gold sulfide concentrates | Natural and Technical Sciences. 2013. №4(66). pp. 299-306 | Au | |
2013 | P. V. Zaytsev, Y. M. Shneerson, V. K. Fedorov, O’Callaghan J., Haakana, T. & Kaartti, A | Pokrovskiy pressure oxidation (POX) hub | Gold Session. 2013г. pp. 33-71 | ALTA 2013 (Perth, Australia) | Au |
2013 | I. V. Fomenko, P. V. Zaytsev, M. A. Pleshkov, L. V. Chugaev & Y. M. Shneerson | Pressure oxidation of double refractory gold concentrates | Gold Session. 2013. pp. 72-84 | ALTA 2013 (Perth, Australia) | Au |
2013 | J.M. Shneerson, M.T. Zhunusov, L.V. Chugaev, A. Markelov, S. Drozdov | Autoclave technology of refractory gold-bearing pyrrhotite concentrates and residues of bioleaching | Gold Session. 2013г. pp. 98-110 | ALTA 2013 (Perth, Australia) | Au |
2013 | D.A. Lapshin, A.Y. Lapin, Y.M. Shneerson and N.A. Kravchenko | Development of hydrometallurgical processing technology for processing of sulphide copper concentrates of udokan copper deposit | Proceedings of Copper 2013 | Copper 2013 (Santiago, Chilie) | Cu |
2013 | I. V. Fomenko, M. A. Pleshkov, L. V. Chugaev, Y. M. Shneerson | Thermodynamic description of gold behavior during autoclave oxidation of sulfide concentrates | Сollection of scientific articles(Krasnoyarsk, 4—6 sent. 2013) pp. 381-386 | Non-ferrous metals 2013 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2013 | C.Y. Polezhaev, M.A. Pleshkov, I.V. Fomenko, L.V. Chugaev, Y.M. Schneerson, M.V. Klementiev | Influence of sulfide oxidation depth on gold recovery from refractory concentrates | Сollection of scientific articles(Krasnoyarsk, 4—6 sent. 2013) pp. 393-397 | Non-ferrous metals 2013 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2013 | Zaitsev P. V., Lyakh S. I., Shneerson Y. M., Lapin A. Y., Chugaev L. V., Klementiev M. V., Pleshkov M. A., Fomenko I. V. | Development of hydrometallurgical technology for processing gold-bearing ores Malomyr and Pioneer | Сollection of scientific articles(Krasnoyarsk, 4—6 sent. 2013) pp. 403-409 | Non-ferrous metals 2013 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2013 | A. Y. Lapin, Y. M. Shneerson, N. A. Kravchenko, D. A. Lapshin | Development of a hydrometallurgical technology for processing sulfide copper concentrates from the Udokan deposit | Сollection of scientific articles(Krasnoyarsk, 4—6 sent. 2013) pp. 416-422 | Non-ferrous metals 2013 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Cu |
2013 | I.S. Ostapchuk, A.P. Kuznetsov, V.A. Korotkov | Determination of platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, gold and silver in the concentrates of platinum group metals of different grades (KP-1, KP-2 and KPP) | Abstracts (Krasnoyarsk, 7-12 oktyabrya 2013.) p. 106 | XX International Chernyaev Conference on Chemistry, Analytics and Technology of Platinum Metals | Pt, Pd, Ru, Ir, Au, Ag |
2013 | I.S. Ostapchuk, E.L. Paramonova, I.G. Tarasova, A.I. Samokhin, I.N. Shargorodsky | Determination of platinum, palladium, rhodium in catalysts | Abstracts (Krasnoyarsk, 7-12 oktyabrya 2013.) p. 105 | XX International Chernyaev Conference on Chemistry, Analytics and Technology of Platinum Metals | Pt, Pd, Ro |
2013 | B.A. Zakharov, Y.M. Schneerson, L.V. Chugaev, M.T. Zhunusov, S.V. Drozdov, M.A. Pleshkov, A.V. Markelov | Development of technology for autoclave processing of concentrates and middlings of the Olimpiada Mining and Processing Plant of CJSC Polyus | Minex (Moscow, Russia) 2013 | Au | |
2013 | Y.M. Schneerson | Experience in the development and implementation in the industry of autoclave technologies for the production of gold. | Minex (Moscow, Russia) 2013 | Au | |
2013 | G.A. Bitkov, A.Y. Lapin, Y.M. Schneerson | Autoclave oxidation processing of refractory gold-containing sulphide concentrates at moderate temperatures | Globus. 2013. pp. 56-58 | Au | |
2012 | Y. M. Shneerson, L. V. Chugaev, M. T. Zhunusov, A. V. Markelov, S. V. Drozdov | Autoclave oxidation of cake after biooxidation of flotation concentrate | Non-ferrous metals. 2012. №6. pp. 34-37 | Au | |
2012 | V. Fedorov, Y. Shneerson, L. Chugaev, A. Lapin, M. Klementiev | Pressure oxidation in Russia | Mining Journal. 2012. pp. 45-46 | Au | |
2012 | Y.M. Schneerson, L.V. Chugaev, M.A. Pleshkov | Autoclave technologies in the gold recovery industry | Globus. 2011. №1(20). pp. 54-55 | Au | |
2012 | O. Myslivets | Innovative metallurgy in the Far East | Globus. 2012. №3(22). pp. 60-63 | ||
2012 | B.A. Zakharov, M.T. Zhunusov, I.M. Shneerson | The modern role of the mining and metallurgical enterprises in the implementation of advanced technologies for processing refractory gold ores | COM 2012 | Au | |
2012 | P.V. Zaitsev, L.V. Chugaev, M.A. Pleshkov, Y.M. Schneerson | Autoclave oxidation of double refractory gold concentrates | collection of scientific articles(Krasnoyarsk, 5—7 sent. 2012.). Krasnoyarsk: Verso, 2012. pp. 594-589 | Non-ferrous metals 2012 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2012 | C.I. Lyakh, M.V. Klementiev, Y.M. Schneerson | Autoclave pilot plant for pilot tests on the oxidation of sulfide flotation concentrates of gold-bearing ores | collection of scientific articles(Krasnoyarsk, 5—7 sent. 2012.). Krasnoyarsk: Verso, 2012. pp. 594-589 | Non-ferrous metals 2012 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2012 | I.V. Fomenko, M.A. Pleshkov, L.V. Chugaev, Y.M. Schneerson | The mechanism of formation of gold losses during autoclave oxidation and subsequent cyanidation of double-refractory concentrates | collection of scientific articles(Krasnoyarsk, 5—7 sent. 2012.). Krasnoyarsk: Verso, 2012. pp. 598-604 | Non-ferrous metals 2012 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2012 | G. A. Bitkov, A. Yu. Lapin, Y. M. Shneerson | Two-stage pressure oxidation of refractory gold-bearing sulfide concentrates at moderate temperatures | collection of scientific articles(Krasnoyarsk, 5—7 sent. 2012.). Krasnoyarsk: Verso, 2012. pp. 568-575 | Non-ferrous metals 2012 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2012 | Y. M. Shneerson, M. T. Zhunusov, L. V. Chugaev, A. V. Markelov, S. V. Drozdov | Integrated technology for the processing of gold-bearing concentrates: bioleaching and pressure post-oxidation | collection of scientific articles(Krasnoyarsk, 5—7 sent. 2012.). Krasnoyarsk: Verso, 2012. pp. 576-583 | Non-ferrous metals 2012 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2012 | A. V. Markelov, A. S. Boginskaya, L. V. Chugaev, Y. M. Shneerson | Peculiarities of autoclave stripping of refractory gold-containing concentrates with high sulfur content | collection of scientific articles(Krasnoyarsk, 5—7 sent. 2012.). Krasnoyarsk: Verso, 2012. pp. 598-603 | Non-ferrous metals 2012 (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) | Au |
2012 | P.V. Zaitsev, S.I. Lyakh, L.V. Chugaev, M.V. Pleshkov, M.V. Klementiev, Y.M. Schneerson | Development of a technological scheme for the processing of refractory gold-bearing raw materials Petropavlovsk Group of Companies | Minex Far East (Khabarovsk, Russia) 2012 | Au | |
2012 | Lapin A. Yu., Bitkov G. A., Schneerson Ya. M. | Low-temperature autoclave hydrometallurgical processing of refractory gold-bearing sulfide materials | Non-ferrous Мetals. 2012. | Au | |
2012 | Shneerson Ya. M., Chugaev L. V., Pleshkov M. A. | Certain features of the autoclave liberation of carbonaceous gold-bearing ores and concentrates | Non-ferrous Мetals. 2012. | Au | |
2012 | Bolobov V. I., Shneerson Ya. M., Lapin A. Yu. | To the possibility of safe operation of titanium alloys in oxygen-containing environment during the pressure leaching of sulfide minerals | Non-ferrous Мetals. 2012. | Ti | |
2012 | Shneerson Ya. M., Naboychenko S. S. | Trends in the development of nonferrous autoclave hydrometallurgy | Non-ferrous Мetals. 2012. | ||
2012 | V.M. Sizyakov, S.A. Ivanik, A.S. Boginskaya, G.A. Bitkov | Dewatering of slurries after autoclave leaching of finely ground sulfide concentrates | Natural and Technical Sciences. 2012. №1(57). pp. 369-375 | ||
2011 | Y.M. Schneerson, S.S. Naboychenko | Tendencies of non-ferrous metals autoclave hydrometallurgy development | Non-ferrous metals. 2011. №2. pp. 15-20 | Ni, Zn, Au, Mo | |
2011 | Y. M. Shneerson, L. V. Chugaev, M. A. Pleshkov | Some features of autoclave opening of carbonaceous gold-bearing ores and concentrates | Non-ferrous metals. 2011. №3. pp. 62-67 | Au | |
2011 | V. I. Bolobov, Y. M. Shneerson, A. Y. Lapin | Possibility of safe operation of titanium alloys in oxygen-containing environment during autoclave leaching of sulfide minerals | Non-ferrous metals. 2011. №12. pp. 98-101 | Ti-O | |
2011 | A. Y. Lapin, G. A. Bitkov, Y. M. Shneerson | Autoclave hydrometallurgical processing of refractory gold-bearing sulfide materials at reduced temperatures | Non-ferrous metals. 2011. №12. pp. 34-44 | Au | |
2011 | Y.M. Schneerson, L.V. Chugaev | Autoclave method for uncovering refractory gold | Eurasian metals. 2011. №2. pp. 2-4 | Au | |
2010 | K.M. Smirnov, N.A. Raspopov. Y.M. Shneerson, A.Y. Lapin, G.A. Bitkov, Yu.A. Menshikov, P.N. Pashin, V.P. Kirichenko | Study of autoclave leaching of molybdenite concentrates with catalytic addition of nitric acid | Metals. 2010. №4. pp. 11-19 | Mo |