Research activities

Nietz Technologies
Research activities ddc 10.10.2022

NIETZ TECHNOLOGIES is a modern dynamically developing research center. NIETZ scientific developments are aimed to create effective and environmentally safe hydrometallurgical technologies for the processing of various raw materials.

NIETZ has experience in engaging other organizations to collaboratively develop complex process schemes that include enrichment and pyrometallurgical operations in addition to hydrometallurgical operations.

The Center is equipped with modern laboratory and chemical-analytical equipment, which allows us to perform all types of complex studies and obtain reliable results. The work is performed at the level corresponding to the requirements of the latest achievements of science and technology.

NIETZ research activities key areas
  • Development of hydrometallurgical technologies for extraction of non-ferrous and precious metals from sulfide and oxidized ores and concentrates - copper, nickel, copper-nickel, lead-zinc and others.
  • Development of hydrometallurgical technologies for gold and silver recovery from sulfide and oxidized gold-bearing ores and concentrates.
  • Development of technologies for autoclave uncovering of refractory (including carbonaceous) gold-bearing ores and concentrates.
  • Creation of hydrometallurgical technologies for processing hard-to-enrich, non-standard and anthropogenic materials (substandard concentrates, semi-products, waste, tailings, etc.)
  • Carrying out large-scale semi-industrial tests on the autoclave pilot plant in the pilot shop (Blagoveshchensk).
  • Determination of physical and chemical properties of ores, concentrates and products of their processing.
  • Environmental hazard assessment of waste products. Determination of hazard classes by calculation method and biotesting.
  • Analysis of existing production facilities and development of recommendations to improve their efficiency.

Specialists of the Center frequently present the results of scientific research and developments at conferences, seminars and symposiums on regional, all-Russian and international scales. Some of them have received several prestigious awards.

Students and postgraduates from leading St. Petersburg universities regularly undergo practical training in the center. The acquired knowledge and skills help them to obtain a PhD degree in engineering sciences in future. In total there were prepared more than 10 PhD theses based on the subjects of the center.

The center's key scientific achievements were registered in the form of patents for inventions.

NIETZ Technologies
Technical equipment